Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jesse James and Kat Von D Split!

Hello Hon-Tey's!

Talk about a joke of a human being!  Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock with some tattooed brazen skank...then tells the world of his inseparable love for Kat Von D.  All this happens within less than a year after his infidelity scandal.  Now Mr. James is calling it quits and calling the engagement off with Kat due to distance problems.
Jesse and Mistress Michelle McGee
Please you knew she lived in LA when you proposed...and you lived in Texas with your 3 kids!  Dude, really?  How about you just chill for a minute and regroup.  Jesse has being doing so much that it makes even me wipe the sweat from my own brow.  I wonder what is Sandra Bullock thinking about all this?  I bet her and her little adopted Cajun Solider are sitting back cracking crawfish and laughing at his dumb azz!

Sandra and Louis Bardo

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