Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hello Hon-Tey's!

It been so much going on in the world these last couple of weeks - from Donald Trump talking smack about Obama...to one of the Guardsmen being banned from attending the Royal Wedding...to BEAUTY SUPPLY STORE ROBBERIES!

Yes, you read right!  Thieves who broke into a Chicago beauty supply store made off with nearly $80,000 worth of human hair.  The store owner, Jay Han, said he believed the thieves knew just how valuable the hair could be on the black market.  "The tresses are used to braid hair and for hair extensions especially in the African American community", he said.  Videotaped surveillance outside his shop showed a white van driving up to the back of the store on Sunday morning.  Three men used a metal bar to pry open the door.  The men left the shop with large plastic bins full of the packages of hair and other items including wigs with natural hair.  Mr. Han, stated, "they didn't take any money."

I guess this is becoming a TREND in the urban community.  Chicago is not the only city to fall victim to WEAVE JACKIN.

Nashville, TN was where another incident occurred. However, the suspects didn't make it far.  One was caught and the other is still on the loose.

Montgomery, AL.  The suspects are still at large.

Dearbourn, MI - Approximately 80 Velvet-brand hair extensions were stolen from the store.  Unfortunately, The owner of the store was shot and killed.

This is ridiculous!  Is getting your weave done that important?  Well, to some I guess it is.  So much so that one will LIE, CHEAT, STEAL AND KILL for a new do!


  1. Nice post. It's very simple and very effective. Thank you for sharing...................

  2. This was very informative. However,I find it to be quite disturbing. What next, robbing a baby store?

  3. This was really informative and nice post. Your stuff is excellent...............
