Tuesday, August 23, 2011

BasketCASE Wives of LA....Check out the cast!

Hello Hon-Tey's

If your anything like me you were glued to the Tom Foolery that took place on Monday night during the Basketball Wives Reunion Show.  As usual, Tami snapped the F*%# Out. Suzie talked too much. Evelyn tried to cover and defend the fact that she is a lonely gold digger. Jennifer looked liked everything she said was "scripted".  Meeka spoke in circles and confused us all. Royce snapping was alittle too "over the top". And last but not least Shaunie sat back, gave vague answers while watching everything unfold.

However, when you thought the qualifications to become a "Basketball Wife/Girlfriend" couldn't get more ghetto...we were shown the previews and cast for the upcoming season - which includes the following:

Gloria Govan,, fiancee of LA's Matt Barnes
Laura Govan, alleged jump-off of Shaq O' Neal 
Kimsha Artest, "self described" partner of Ron Artest
Imani Showalter, ex-fiancee of Stephan Jackson
Draya Michele, wife of ummmm "groupie"

Malaysia Pargo, wife of Jannero Pargo

Jackie Christie , wife of Doug Christie

Well, now you have it Hon-Tey's, the line up for the new bad girls of Monday night television.  Its a shame how people (including myself) are captivated by such "buffoonery" in this day in age.  Oh well, can't knock the next man or woman's hustle.

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Favorite Season is Approaching...FALL!

Hello Hon-Tey's!

This summer has been awesome for me.  I've never partied and chilled so hard in my life.  However, summertime in the Chi must come to an end - and what better way to bring it to an end than with my personal favorite COLORFUL and GRAPHIC TIGHTS! 

I've always been a fan of the upcoming Fall season, mainly because I love turtlenecks, sweaters, blazers, big comfy coats and last but not least those HAWT COLORFUL TIGHTS, Hon-Tey!  

My personal preference is to pair them with short skirts or shorts with a matching shoe or contrasting color shoe.  I LUV the fact how they can make anyone look long and lean, especially when paired with a matching shoe. 

However, if your as bold and daring as the tights themselves, you can pair them with absolutely ANYTHING.



So for all my fellow Fashionistas I'll be looking forward to seeing you strut your stuff this Fall...Ciao Bella!