Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Man robs bank to get Medical Attention!!

Hello Hon-Tey's!
I have heard it all! Earlier this month, James Richard Verone (pictured), a 59-year-old convenience store clerk, walked into a Gastonia, N.C., bank and handed the cashier a note demanding $1 and medical attention. Then he waited calmly for police to show up.
He's now in jail and has an appointment with a doctor this week.  Yaaaasss!
Verone's problems started when he lost the job he'd held for 17 years as a Coca Cola deliveryman, amid the economic downturn. He found new work driving a truck, but it didn't last. Eventually, he took a part-time position at the convenience store.
But Verone's health wasn't good - bending and lifting made his back ache. He had problems with his left foot, making him limp. He also suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis, he also noticed a protrusion on his chest. "The pain was beyond the tolerance that I could accept," Verone told the Gaston Gazette. "I kind of hit a brick wall with everything."
Verone knew he needed help--and he didn't want to be a burden on his sister and brothers. He applied for food stamps, but they weren't enough either.
So he hatched a plan. On June 9, he woke up, showered, ironed his shirt. He mailed a letter to the Gazette, listing the return address as the Gaston County Jail.
"When you receive this a bank robbery will have been committed by me," Verone wrote in the letter. "This robbery is being committed by me for one dollar. I am of sound mind but not so much sound body."
Then Verone hailed a cab to take him to the RBC Bank. Inside, he handed the teller his $1 robbery demand.
"I didn't have any fears," said Verone. "I told the teller that I would sit over here and wait for police."
Verone was taken to jail, just as he'd planned it.
Because he only asked for $1, Verone was charged with larceny, not bank robbery. But he said that if his punishment isn't severe enough, he plans to tell the judge that he'll do it again. His $100,000 bond has been reduced to $2,000, but he says he doesn't plan to pay it.
In jail, Verone said he skips dinner to avoid too much contact with the other inmates. He's already seen some nurses and is scheduled to see a doctor on Friday. He said he's hoping to receive back and foot surgery, and get the protrusion on his chest treated. Then he plans to spend a few years in jail, before getting out in time to collect Social Security and move to the beach.
"If you don't have your health you don't have anything," Verone said.
The Affordable Care Act, President Obama's health-care overhaul passed by Congress last year, was designed to make it easier for Americans in situations like Verone's to get health insurance. But most of its provisions don't go into effect until 2014.
As it is, Verone said he thinks he chose the best of a bunch of bad options. "I picked jail."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Disease, Linked to Garbage Hip Hop!

Hello Hon-Tey's!

While browsing the net I came across something very interesting.   "ManBabies".  These babies take on adult body characteristics while retaining the facial characteristics of a baby.  Researchers haven't linked the condition to anything as of yet, but currently it has had a connection to the excessive listening to garbage Hip Hop.  Wowzers!  I sure hope they find a cure!  Guess I'll be on the safe side and go put McLyte on repeat. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the one and only ManBabies!!!!!



High Score!!!


Successful ManBaby Carrier Operation


Sumo Match

Rock on, Dude..

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Schwarzenegger's Mistress Speaks

Hello Hon-Tey's!

There is so much going on in the world right now, from Eddie Long's wife moving out to Male birth control pills.  However, something that I had to comment on is Schewarzeneggers' mistress/housekeeper, Mildred Baena speaking out concerning her "love child".

Well, for starters...what is it she can possibly say?  I would have respected her more if she would have just stayed quiet and not said anything.  Nevertheless, she did and this is what she had to say regarding the situation.

“Last summer I brought Joseph over to the house,” say Baena.  ‘After that, people in the house started whispering about how much they looked like each other.”

“Maria would ask if I needed to talk to her, and I kept saying “no”.  Finally, she asked point blank.  Maria asked me directly if Joseph was Arnold’s son, and I just broke down.  I dropped to my knees and I was crying, saying that yes he was and I was so sorry.  She cried with me and told me to get off my knees.”

Baena also stated, “ Since I was retiring soon,  I said I would pack up and leave right away, but she said to stay until after the holidays.”

I have a visual in my head as to how this played out and all I can do is shake my head while rolling my eyes. Really Mildred?  You actually thought you could bring this child around who looks like Arnold circa 1974, and no one gives him a second look?  C’mon Lady!

Baena added that she never told Arnold that he was the father but adds, “He’s a good man and I know he’s suffering too.  He loves Maria.  I hope with time they work things out.”

Really Lady? 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another Legend Lost - Gil Scott-Heron

Hell Hon-Tey's

On my radar currently is the lost of a musical, author and poetic GENIUS, Mr. Gil Scott-Heron!  We lost a great man on May 27, 2011.  

I remember it like it was yesterday. The night  was hot, humid and sweaty. I was in a drunken dance daze listening to the DJ continuous pump jams into the air and through my body like an airbourne drug! I took a breather to rest upon the black leather couch in a Harlem nightclub and I heard the DJ play an unfamiliar sound.  The beat was awesome!  The voice which penetrated my ears caught my full attention.  I made my way to the DJ booth, asked him, "Yo! What was that song you just played?"  He gave me a weird look.  Asked how old I was and where I was from.  Then told me, "Baby, that was Gil Scott-Heron!" Then he proceeded to put back on his headphones and produce more mind elevating beats in the atmosphere.

Born in Chicago,Il, but raised in Tennessee and later relocating and calling home New York, Gil Scott-Heron was a poet, author and musician.  He was known mostly for his work as a spoken word artist in the 70's and 80's.  One song that he received critical acclaim for was The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.  His musical style later came to influence hip hop and neo soul.  He has been described by many as the "God Father of Rap".  Which I believe to be true, since rap is basically poetry set to music.

Having over 20 albums under his belt Mr. Heron was unable to gain big commercial success because many black radio stations wouldn't play his songs.  Also, he was not budging on his intense dislike for political and social injustice within the black community, and was not willing to sugarcoat anything.  Having a few run in's with the law, coupled with battling drug addiction, Gil continue to make music.  It was something that just came natural.  His most recent recording was in 2010, "I'm New Here".

Although, he is a great musical genius the music scene has lost...we have gained yet another legend to add to our records of MUSIC, AUTHOR and POETIC history!  You WILL be missed!

* The Bottle
* The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
* Home is Where the Hatred Is
* Winter In America
* Me and The Devil (2010 release)